Ok I want to say this quickly.

I joined the reborn community for my love of the art.

Yet I am finding more and more drama posted all over my time line.

I have some mixed thoughts about this.

Reborn community

Firstly of course everyone is free to deal with their own dramas the way that works for them.

I respect their decison to do so.

But that said I can find it very disheartening when I find people publicly putting their grievances with another member of the community online.

Now my issue with this is that it strikes me of high school.

Like you have to pick sides.

You have people saying, well if you are friends with such and such please remove yourself from my list.

Please, seriously.

I have these same conversations with my 15 year old daughter and her school friends.

Just because I may or may not be “friends” with someone you do not like does not mean that it will make me any less of a friend to you.

I am in fact my own person with my own mind, and it can be slightly insulting having others think that I am unable to make my own mind up about who I do or do not want to be friends with.

So please can we stop putting all our dirty washing out in public.

If you have fallen out with someone then keep it with the person involved

Neither person comes out looking good when everything is put out in public.

Not just that it can turn numbers of friends against each other when it isn’t neccessary.

And then when you all make up, everyone else is left with the aftermath of all the mean things said to each other which now is what, not meant to matter?

You can not take back words? So do not say things that aren’t true and that you do not feel or believe because the only ones that look foolish are you.

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