I wanted to take a minute to explain why, in my opinion, the Valencia Doll Expo is so good.

The show has been going ever since I can remember, well at least ever since I have been a part of the community.

Valencia doll expo 2019

The show is a very global event, when many artists and creators coming from varies countries.

This makes it one of the best places to find your new artist.

A place where you can maybe find an artist that you would never have found before.

Each artist has their own flare and techniques, so having so many talented people from around the world is truly an amazing experience for all who attend.

With the show being put together so well it is really impossible to find any fault with it.

The atmosphere is great, the hosts are so awesome, it is incredibly easy to make new friends here that will be life long friends, even if miles apart.

That is one of the nicest things about this community, is that you can be friends with so many people, but you do not all have to live in the same place, or even the same country for that matter.

So if you have never been to the show before, and were wondering if you should, my advice would be go.

You will have so much fun and meet so many new people.

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