When you are making plans to attend the ID&TS this year one big dilema for you may be how to fit it all in.

With so much to see and do it really is no wonder you would feel like this.

As we all know even the best laid plans do not always work out as we hope, so how can we try and solve this dilema for the ID&TS show.

ID&TS 2019

Well to start with it is possible to get a floor plan in advance.

When you have this it is good to also have a list of the tables you really want to visit, starting with that one table that you have waited all year to go to.

After that, plan the route that you hope to follow during the event.

This may, of course not go to plan.

A doll or person you want to speak with may catch your eye and have you going off course a little .

But if you have a rough idea before the event of what you hope to get done there it is possible to fulfil most things.

When you add to this the prize draws and other events taking place such as the banquet and baby shower, you just know you are in for a great time.

I wish everyone attending the very best of times.

From the vendors, collectors and of course the super talented, gorgeous hosts.

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