The doors to the February UK Doll sow in Basildon open today.

I am super excited to see all the amazing table displays that I know will be there.

People who signed up to be a VIP guest is in a=for a treat.

Just look at all the amazing items included in the boxes they will be getting.

“Getting ready for our spoilt rotten VIP guests! The weather is windy but exhibitors are arriving and setting up in earnest.”

Uk doll show 2020

I’m hoping to be able to share more detailed pictures of what is included in these fabulous boxes.

This show is sure to be a lot of fun, with some lucky mummies taking home their new darlings.

The show has been put together by an amazing host, so I have no doubt that it will be a wonderful day.

Even with the bad weather outside, inside will be warm and welcoming.

By the end of the year, I hope to attend one of these amazing shows that they put on.

And of course, get my own VIP box.

Are you attending this show?

Did you get to take home a new baby?

I can not wait to hear your views on this show.

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