When you see these 2 heartbeats on an ultrasound, first embrace the joy and adventure of twins. Then, prepare, prepare, prepare. Having a baby nurse, having all the gear ready before you need it, and getting a working knowledge of baby health issues before you’re in a red alert situation will only make life easier for your family when those little packages arrive.

Proper rest during the first week home from the hospital – Conventional wisdom teaches new mothers to “sleep while the baby sleeps.” For twin moms and dads, especially those with other kids, this is not an option. Ask friends, family, and neighbors to look after the twins for a few hours a day so you can rest.

Night sitters or baby nurses provide an important service in allowing mothers to recover from the stress of having “twins.” By caring for babies overnight, baby nurses give a mother the deep, restorative sleep her body ultimately needs to keep itself healthy. For new dads, this type of sleep is also obviously crucial. Older siblings who wake up at night while adjusting to their new baby also benefit from a night nurse because she allows mothers and fathers to comfort their older children.

Stock up on diapers, wipes, and petroleum jelly- Stock up on premature babies, newborns and size 1 diapers for the house. Don’t wait until your baby grows out of a diaper to buy the next size. Getting ready for the next size will reduce emergency trips to the store and minimize confusion. Newborns feed an average of 8 times every 24 hours. That means your twins will be changing diapers at least 16 times a day! Add to that the accident at the changing station, and that’s countless wipes, vaseline jars… and 1,500 diapers in the first 3 months of life. say it out loud. one thousand. five hundred. diaper.

buy straws- You will no longer be able to eat or drink with both hands. It may sound silly, but pack lots of straws for your water, protein shakes, and coffee. While you’re at it, drink plenty of water, protein shakes, and coffee.

Put the baby on the same schedule — While feeding and sleeping schedules can be erratic for the first few weeks home from the hospital, do your best to keep these little ones on the same schedule. When one wakes up to eat, give the other milk too. When one wakes up, wakes up the other. After 1-2 weeks, your baby will be sleeping and feeding in sync.

Educate yourself about baby tummy issues – Spitting, gastroesophageal reflux, and gas are extremely common in infants. Learn about each person’s symptoms. Then, if you see symptoms, decide how you want to treat them. Sure, you’ll want to talk to your pediatrician about tummy issues, but babies are known to have the habit of needing help most after get off work. There are many over-the-counter medications, such as air drops, probiotics, and complaining water, that can help babies digest and can temporarily relieve symptoms.

Since twins are almost always born before their due date, anticipating your family’s needs ahead of time is an easy tool to keep your first few weeks home from the hospital as peaceful as possible. Scheduling a nighttime baby nurse is probably the most important preparation, as proper sleep restores the mother’s health and keeps the whole family in top shape.

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