As soon as I saw this I just had to share it with you all.

It could really be a breakthrough for anyone who makes videos with their dolls.

The videos could be Youtube role play videos or videos made to help sell the baby.

Michelle James was the lady who shared this with us on social media.

And I am so glad she did.

“One of the careers I had before becoming a reborn artist was audio engineer.

So I’ve been really interested in adding audio to Reborns and have tried a few different things.

baby doll

This is a sound bib I made so it can be moved to different dolls.

The sound quality from the speaker on the back of the bib is great, which is a challenge to find.

I’m making a waitlist for orders at Palmview Reborns so if you want to be on it, post how many you’d like in the comments of the top pinned post.”

Check out the YouTube video for this bib using this link below.

I can not wait to see these used more often and think they will make a really good addition to the community.

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