We all know that reborns can have benefits to our mental well being.

But I have been wondering if they can also help with what is known as empty nest syndrome.


Recently my two eldest girls moved out.

Not just moved out but moved country.

My girls are my best friends and I miss them terribly

But I have noticed that while they have been gone I have focused more on reborn related activities.

Reborns as we know never grow up and never leave us.


We can spend years buying baby items and having cuddles.

Who wouldn’t want that?

I have always found the reborns to be a source of comfort at times when I am not really feeling myself.

After all times like this are what as parents we dread.

But having to ability to still cuddle, still sing to and buy clothes for small babies, well for me it helps my natural instinct.

So when I noticed this I started to wonder if any one else ever had the same experience.

If you have I would love to hear your story.

Or even if your reborn hobby has helped you in another way to cope with something that has happened in your life.

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