This morning I was sitting and thinking back to two years ago, and it really hit me just how big an impact Covid has had on our community.

Two years ago there was no concerns on whether we could attend a doll show.

We had a postal service that was more reliable.

During the last two years we have lost artists, sales have slowed down greatly as people have had less and less deposable income.


Some customers have lost their jobs, which has of course affected their chance to buy.

This has, unsurprisingly had a knock on affect to artists who now can not sell the dolls they make.

For some artists this has really been the last straw.

It has meant that they could no longer be a full time artist as they couldn’t rely on the income they once could.

I have been so proud of how the people in the community have tried to support each other and have adapted.

The other side of covid could see a different community to the one the was before it.

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