For those of us who have had a number of reborn babies in your collection from the same artist I wondered if you ever felt nervous when buying from a different artist.

I myself have before had eight babies from one artist and four from another because I loved their work.

Reborn artist

But there are so many good artists out there that it would be a shame to just stay with those two.

The benefits of staying with the same artist are obvious.

You know this person and already have trust and a good working relationship with them.

Also you know what to expect.

The know the quality of their work so can be sure you will love the finished baby.

When you try a new artist there is always some time when you worry that the baby will not be what you are hoping for.

Different artists have unique painting techniques that work for them.

So as much as using a new artist is exciting, it is also a very anxious time for the expectant reborn parent.

I wonder if I was the only person to feel like this or if it is a fairly common experience.

It is always a great feeling when the new baby exceeds expectations.

But until that baby arrives with you the worry remains.

So how many artists have you used.

Do you stay with the same one?

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