Anyone who has brought or sold a doll online will know all about the doll shipping agonies.

Its that time between sending and receiving the baby.

The time that makes us all anxious and nervous.


I think we have all had those horrors go through our minds of what could go wrong.

Now often the parcel arrives safely and no damage is done so all is good.

But, there is that time when things don’t go quite as planned.

The times when dolls go missing or get damaged.

And those are heartbreaking times for both the artist and collector.

From what I have learnt about this community when this happens most often the artist will make a new doll.

So the collector is fine in the end.

But just for a minute think about it from the artists point of view.

They have spent weeks putting hours of work into bringing your baby to life.

Then if that baby gets damaged or lost they then have to remake your doll at a cost to themselves.

All the time they put into the new doll means they can not take on another doll at that point.

Also they have to pay themself for the postage.

So this second baby is actually at a cost to the artist.

So when they offer to send a new one it is very kind of them.

After all they don’t control the postal service.

So please remember that each seller is just as nervous and anxious as the buyer with each online sale.

Lets keep this community as amazing as it can be by remembering that we are all human.

We are all in this together.

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