These amazing prizes will be up for grabs at the Kansas 2022 doll show.

With each prize that is revealed I get more and more excited, and I am not even lucky enough to be attending this year.

So I can only imagine the level of excitement on those people that are going.

kansas 2019

“We are receiving prizes to be given away at the Kansas Doll Show! Thank you so much Monda Jones and Michelle Kight! ? Be sure to visit Michelle at her table #123.”

kansas 2019

The prizes given so far have been very generous and it would be awesome to win any of those prizes.

I have yet to see anything that I really wouldnt be bothered about.

kansas 2019

So many people attending are wanting to make the most of this awesome experience and it is always nice to have some kind of souvenir.

kansas 2019

So what will you be hoping to win.

Remember you have to be in it to win it so if you haven’t purchased your tickets to the events yet do not hang around.

You will not want to be disappointed by missing out.

The Kansas 2022 doll show is sure to be a huge success.

Time is running down so don’t wait until the last minute.

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