Kansas Doll Show exhibitor Jillian Jade De Cicco has asked this question.

To being Honeybug Pacis to the show or not.

Kansas Doll Show

“Is there any interest in Honeybug Pacifiers at the show? I’m wondering how much to bring with me.”

These cute pacis can really tie and outfit together and make it look so cute.

If like me you like your dolls paci to match the outfit they are wearing then the Honeybugs are perfect.

With so many different colours to choose from there is sure to be one that will match your baby.

Kansas Doll Show

I think that this question should be an easy one really.

Of course Honeybugs should be there.

They really are adorable.

I personally love the patterns and styles of them.

With the show now not far away I can not wait to see if Jillian brings then or not.

I will be eagerly waiting to see pictures of the booth.

What do you think?

Bring or not to bring?

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