These beautiful babies will be making their way to the Rose Doll Show.

Created by Jade Lucia they are going to be a huge hit.

Rose Doll Show

They will steal so many hearts that every one will want to take one home with them.

I really like the techniques that Jade uses and it helps bring the dolls to life.

“At the airport and ready before my trip to Salt Lake City for the Rose International Doll Show! Sorry I haven’t posted many babies available this year.. I’ve been painting like a crazy woman trying to get dolls ready to take with me! Here are photos of what I’ll have available there.. any that don’t sell at Rose will be available for private purchase after the show.”

Rose doll show

Now of course I have no idea which will sell at the show.

But what I do know is that they are all so gorgeous.

So make sure you stop by her booth to see all these sweethearts in person.

Rose doll show

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