Jane Camargo has revealed that she will be attending the Valencia Doll Show 2022.
The show is really going to be so much fun for anyone that attends.
Being the biggest Doll Show in Europe it is one not to miss.
We love to see all the artists and exhibitors from around the world.
“Felicitaciones a todos -los expositores! Alegría alegría!
Congratulations to all the exhibitors. Joy, joy.”
I know this show isn’t for another year, but I am looking foward to the sneak peek and reveals from now until then.
It is the build up that can help gain excitement for the show.
There is going to be a large number of amazingly talented exhibitors here that you will spend all day amazed by the skill level
Make sure you secure your tickets for the show as soon as they are available.
If you are wanting to be a vendor then make sure you reserve your table.