So I decided that as I have this site which can be part blog, part news, or basically anything that I would also use it as like my diary in preparations for ID&TS 2022.

First let me say that eeeekkkkk can really be a word when talking about this show.

I am so looking forward to going and the wait is going to see sooo long.

But I am loving hearing all the updates and being able to bring you some exclusives.

So where am I in planning, well I am down for the banquet, which lets be honest is one of the big highlights and something that is a must.

ID&TS 2020

Have you heard the plans for it?

How could I not go?

I currently have two tickets for the banquet booked on table 9, but I also have the possibility of maybe needing one more ticket.

For the banquet I already have my dress ordered and on its way to me.

When ordering it off line I am a little concerned.

I am really worried that the dress will be too big when it gets here.

I fit in between the size small and size medium so I went for the medium as some reviews said that it came up small.

So fingers crossed when it arrives it works.

Otherwise I do not know how I will fix it.

I may have to end up ordering the same dress in a small.

But then its twice the money so I suppose I will have to wait and see although I am so nervous about it.

I have my whole outfit picked out in my mind.

Now its just finding it all and putting it together.

I also have my place at the baby shower.

Again two tickets.

I love this event as it always looks so much fun.

So I am also trying to brainstorm what sort of items to bring for that.

There is still so much to do and plan before the show.

I still have to look at flights and then work and getting everything together.

This show will be part work and part fun.

As you should all know that whilst I am there I will be covering all aspects.

Including behind the scenes photos and stories.

ID&TS 2020

Something to look forward to for sure

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