Id&TS 2022 will have an award that is sure to get your creative juices flowing.
We all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But to capture someones eye is the trick here.
Well at doll shows that starts with an awesome display.
At next years ID&TS you will be even more eager to make your booth stand out with a new award.
“Next year there will be a best booth award.
We will not have a theme as we love seeing all the creative and different booths each year. Start planning …”
This best booth award is sure to have people planning already.
So many ideas will be going through there minds.
And as there is no theme I am super excited to see the types of designs that are there.
Artists will really have a chance to go nuts and show their personality.
It will be a really fun award to vote on.
I always enjoy seeing the booths each year myself so this will be so much fun.
Make sure you start your plans to be at the ID&TS 2022, you won’t want to miss it.