Everyone loves the sculpts that LRDesign Studio produces, both fantasy and newborn dolls.

It is because her dolls are so sweet and have so much love spent in making them.

The fantasy dolls in particular have a huge amount of imagination and detail.


This new doll being made is going to look so cute once done.

It is a seahorse, which yes I love.

Anything to do with the sea and I am pretty much hooked.

So it goes without saying that I will be following this sculpts progress.

“Trying to get back into being productive —- soon I will be working in the studio again —- finding some peace in the clay

Work in progress — “Tidal Wave —- the Sea-Horse”


Laurie has had quite a start to the year, and I really hope that sculpting again can bring her some much needed peace.

She is not only an amazing sculptor but a really lovely lady.

So who else is as excited about me about this darling being finished?

Just look at all the details being put into it.

I simply can’t wait.


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