Do you want to learn how to paint reborns but think you are too young? Then why not go to ID&TS 2022 and join the young class

Manouk Waij, Mini By Manouk nursery is looking to put on a painting class for the young up and coming artists.

ID&TS 2020

“Hi everybody!
My name is Manouk Waij, the artist behind Mini By Manouk nursery.

I’m excited to see who would be interest to join my beginners reborn class for young doll artists age 9-16 at the 2022 ID&TS show!

Details aren’t all figured out yet, but it will be a two day class where I teach your child the basics of reborn painting with Genesis Heatset paints.
Materials will be provided, including filling and assembling.

Im aiming for every student to leave with a finished reborn baby, brought to life by themselves ❤️

Please check out my . page ../minibymanouk for my work and comment if you are interested to sign up your son or daughter!”

This sounds like a great way for your child to really get a feel of how to bring a doll to life.

I for one would be very interested in my daughter joining this class.

When we attend the show she will be 16 years old.

ID&TS 2020

What do you think? Would you be interested in it.

I will be following this and will update you as soon as I find out more details.

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