Not everything that is broken should be repaired.

Yes, because breaking is a wonderful experience. Oh, don’t let your eyebrows be higher than your morals. Because no one has the right to fix something; don’t bother, okay?

Let the person with this brokenness be the one who heals him/herself. Allow time to heal a broken ego, spirit or whatever. Never bother to speak your mind because no one has the right to speak unless you are the one who suffers. If you have to suffer and feel all the pain.

Yes, test your strength and courage and more. Because the only way to know your inner strength is through your own destruction. Peeling a banana exposes the inside of the fruit before you eat it.

Just like our ego, when exposed to failure, judgment and all… we either close our shell and hide, or face the elements and see the power within us.

If you want to stand the test of fate, you must gather your inner strength. By peeling off the outer layers, we tend to become vulnerable. This vulnerability is an opportunity to understand what we are made of. What strength is there in us, which may be why we remain calm, cautious and reflective despite the difficulties.

Yes, once we know the nature of brokenness, it is possible to have inner strength. That feeling of being at a loss, like being submerged in the sea, without the skills to swim to the shore, let alone float.

This wonderful feeling of vulnerability…may be a revelation of your hidden power. To embarrass something, say the skeleton in your closet has been exposed!

Well, you don’t have to be afraid to cringe. You just have to face the music. See how your sanity is intact from there, without any attempt to escape or fight back.

Yes, sometimes letting broken is the only way to determine your strength. Stay calm, rational and grateful for the opportunity to better understand your own power. What do you make of it?

Well, expose your brokenness to the elements, and from there, you can gauge your strength to withstand the storms of life!

Yes, your conscience is there to guide you.

Your ego is there to guard the gate.

What outside distractions do you allow to bother you? How far is your patience extended and you remain calm, sane and sound?

All of these things can be a journey, full of wisdom, that empowers you to be more… become more, do more… Energizers who start over, become reborn Like a phoenix in the ashes…we die every minute as we allow ourselves to grow and shine. Death is not bad if we just see the wisdom behind it. So I’m dying every minute, yes, when it’s the end of unhealthy or immoral or whatever…even simply reviewing your thoughts, especially the negative ones, is a blessing…negative vibrating Death, should be changed into something positive, an uplifting spirit of self-love, respect and compassion.

Yes, broken is a springboard to find a more fulfilling feeling, discovering the inner strength to get through hard times, the failure of a wish to fulfill, and even the journey is a long list of Boracay Beach Lines, before you reach another. Just before the foot, your foot will end up swollen.

Oh, how much fun is this mind-wandering activity of mine. The writer has been compared to a vaquero, letting the carabao or cow’s leash have absolutely no restrictions to let the animal roam around, eat more grass and cover a wider space for movement. No binding straps!

Yes, a post is important, but relaxing is a wonderful experience, even if it’s just for a moment, seeing what you’ve covered, getting gems and throwing away the chaff. better. Repurpose chaff for something and who knows what it will turn into, especially when held by a creative mind. Don’t limit your chances, let the broken be a door that gives you more chances to discover what’s inside and be amazed.

Yes, there is always a surprise behind every closed door. Don’t be afraid to push it away or pull it closer later.

Broken is a door. Open it up and see what’s inside. Then close when you notice a thing or two.

A witty writing exercise in the wee hours of the morning while they fell asleep – and awake.

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