If you havw purchased a ticket to the Santas Grotto event of the Christmas Doll Show 2022 then I know you have been waiting for this.
I can now confirm that all goodie boxes have now been shipped out and should, fingers crossed, be with you all soon.
Now I know that it isn’t possible to share an actual picture of them right now.
This is due to the items in it being needed during the show.
But what I can reveal is that each box will contain
A blanket, booties, paci, teddy, raffle ticket, mini bottle of bubbly for mum or dad, something sweet and a couple of surprises.
I am so happy with how these boxes turned out, but I have to say that I have the same plans and some extras for the 2022 online christmas show.
It isn’t long until the live event now.
Everyone that has a ticket will be sent the code needed to get onto the live chat video.
Can’t wait to welcome you all.
Feel free to dress up, I know I will.