So many gorgeous babies will be looking for their new homes at the upcoming Kansas 2022 online doll show.

Thankfully Colete Bivens has shared some of her wonderful babies with us all to add to our need for it to be show time.

The Kansas Doll Show is one of the shows that are a must attend each year.

So it was really sad when it had to be cancelled for the year.

But of course we understand the reason why.

So we were happy when we saw that Colete took to social media to share a few of her darlings with us.

“Sneak peek for online show 2022.”

kansas 2020

I can personally see at least two that I would like to see more photos of.

So I do not doubt that there will be some there that you enjoy as well.

Getting a new baby is so much fun.

And this show could take all the stress and worry out of locating the right baby for you.

I know that doll show hosts Jenny and family would have put many hours into making sure that this show, even tho it is online, can be the best it can.

When you see each baby and fall in love with every one, you biggest worry is how to decide which one or two to purchase.


Sometimes it can be easy and you just fall completely in love with one of them.

This means that you can not even think about others.

But at other times you may love a few but only have funds for one.

Trust me the struggle is real.


So lets all look forward to this show and I hope that all who take part have the best time.

This online show is going to be great.


Heres looking forward to 2022 when we hope normal live shows will restart.

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