With so much excitement around the ID&TS 2022 show it is no wonder that there has been some confusion around the Peoples Choice Awards.

No doubt this is causing the hosts of the show some headaches.

So I wanted to share with you all this information that Georgie has shared in relation to the Awards.

“it has come to our attention that some artists are in the wrong categories, some nominees are not attending the show, as well as collectors wanting pictures of artists work to base their vote on.


If you are nominated and know you will not be attending you will need to let us know to remove you for this particular awards contest.

Today we will be working diligently to reboot the People’s Choice Awards in a more professional manner.

Artist who are nominated will now be required to submit a photo of their work to go with the category nominated in.

If you have been nominated for multiple categories, please submit photo’s for each category.

PLEASE NOTE: ALL voting will be WITHOUT names and will be ONLY PICTURES with numbers so all nominees will be anonymous.

Make sure your photos do NOT contain your names, or logo’s.

IDTS will REOPEN and start accepting nominations immediately and continue through Feb 3rd 2022.

ALL nominations MUST be sent directly to the email address idtsvote@gmail.

At that time we will reopen voting and run it through February 28th 2022.

Id&ts 2020

Please note: ID&TS reserves the right to relocate artists if found to be in the wrong categories.

Please be understanding as this wasn’t an easy decision but the right one for everyone involved.

At ID&TS we always strive to be fair, & honest in everything we do, and the new contest will be better organized, and the fairest that it can possibly be.

We thank you for your continued support and ask that you please bare with us in our learning curve.”

This is going to be one heck of a show, and I for one would hate to miss it.

The show promotes friendship and caring, also supporting one another.

Too much negativity already exists within the community.

So if you are nominated for one of the categories, well done.

To me every single person in this community is a winner.

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