When you attend the doll shows, one thing that always attracts my attention is the wonderful table displays that are put together.

The artists attending have so much creativity that it just seems to shine through in everything they do.

I am sharing this one table display that I found as an example of just how adorable these displays can be.

This particular table was put together by Esther De Prada Alonso.

I am really loving the babies that she has for sale.

doll shows

“Mi mesa en San Sebastián,el hotel exxxxxxpectacular,de los de alfombra roja

My table in San Sebastián, the exxxxxxpectacular hotel, of the red carpet”

If this is an example of the quality of displays at the show, then it was sure to be a big success.

Do you have a favourite table that you have seen during a show or one that sticks in your mind?

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