When you buy a doll or take a class from Elisabettas Babies you not only get the beautiful baby or tips from the class but also a friend.

She puts so much love into each baby that she makes and it really shows.

Her classes allow you to learn her techniques and give you the freedom to also put your own touch on the baby.


“Have you bought a doll or taken a class from me? If so, please go to my business page …../elisabettasbabies and leave me a review and a rating!!!

I will draw a little thank you prize among all the clients who will leave a review a month from now!!!

Hai comprato una mia bambola o fatto un mio corso? Se sì, per favore vai alla mia pagina e lasciami una recensione e un punteggio!!!

Sorteggerò un pensierino di ringraziamento tra tutte le recensioni pubblicate fra un mese!!!”

If you have had the pleasure of working with Elisabetta, then you know that it truly is a pleasure.

One day I very much hope to take a beginners class from her and share my journey and experience with you all.

But I do have a baby from her, and I truly love that baby.

Everything about her us just so lovely.

Definitely a forever baby for me.

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