Knowing how to fail completely and succeed no matter what is the greatest gift that existence has to offer. You may or may not agree with me, but the chronicle of objective reality certainly does. “Lucky Drifting Success” or the game where the first success without trying is the real life demon: that demon may seem to have many forms, but it is a demon unified by the concept of luck, especially luck at the beginning, “unlucky” ‘ and ‘coincidentally’.

In fact, without skill, permanent, repeatable success cannot happen. Really depends on any luck, but gambling is justified in the truest sense.

So, dare I say this: All addictions to gambling, drugs, alcohol, vices, horrible thefts, and all the negative things in life boil down to a lazy search for real unearned “thrill” or “high” or “effective” or Success lacks skill and effort. So the greatest gift of existence is understanding, skill, and the ability not to follow the crowd or rely solely on luck without acquiring the skill.

The biggest loss, then, is the indolence to develop the necessary skills and abilities that come with acquired, sustained, and realistic effort.

We all want the “prize”, but would we rather do the work of making the “prize” permanent, rather than relying on luck and betting on a one-off success or a one-off thing in the first place? For real-world mastery, this question always haunts me.Always, I think about the preparation it takes to keep mastering perpetual mastery, and the skills it takes to live a competent eternity exist Reality.

Well, in my book, the worst thing people can say is, “I’m willing to take a gamble.” I prefer the reality of deterministic skills, or spinning Billie Holliday in some way, than gambling. (Billie Holliday) old song: “God bless children who have his/her/their own.” I think a person who owns himself can fully develop skills to make money instead of relying on luck, gambling, wandering wins and chance. Success or failure, “it just happened” is not a good excuse. “Happening” is one of the ultimate excuses to wander, gamble, get lucky, and never succeed again. To go beyond that, develop skills, certainty, and most importantly, do a good job, pay your dues, and really get better! If you want to win, the only way out, real.

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