Maternity photos, newborn photos, baby and child photos are some of the most interesting subjects I shoot. When I started my business, I decided to photograph various subjects. I wanted to always choose to do something different and really just wanted the opportunity to hide behind the camera. Now that I have a few sprouts, there must be a front runner! When I take maternity photos, newborn photos, baby and child photos, there is a calm, relaxed and never ending thought. I had to resist the urge to chase pregnant women and mothers around the store in order to hand them my business card!

My love for baby photography grew out of love for my daughter. There is no love like the love of a child. This is an original love. Because of this love, you want to photograph everything! Everything, I mean everything! My daughter absolutely hates seeing me point the camera at her, but if I catch her before nap time, she’ll usually be patient with me for a few minutes! The joy I get from being able to photograph her milestones, character traits, gestures, etc., has naturally flowed into my career.

Maternity photos are so attractive to me! I’m amazed how many women cringe at the idea of ​​taking a maternity photo. They really cringe! Why? Our bodies are miraculously built to enable us to bring life to the world. We can carry a child within us when they grow and develop to the point where they can live safely in the world. wince? Do not! celebrate! Celebrate this moment is your life! Is your body the same as before? of course not! But by no means is your body unattractive! This is a wonderful time of your life, and as much as you may feel at this moment, before you know it, it will end! Most of your body will go back to what it was before, and you’ll forget how much you feel about that little, tiny little giant in your belly! You forget how uncomfortable you were at night and how you went from one ad break to the next without needing to go to the bathroom. Capture this moment! It’s such a short period of time in your life that it’s over before you know it! Commemorate your look. If you’re uncomfortable with stretch marks, so be it! ! ! I’ll take pictures of them outside! If you have insecurities about your body, face them head on because I can assure you that one day you will be laying in bed at night and daydreaming about these moments as much as possible! This is a quick escape moment in your life and the beginning of a beautiful, lifelong relationship with the most special person you will ever meet! Trust me, maternity photography is not for amateurs! You need a professional who understands DISTORTION. You want someone to know what millimeter lens to use for this so you don’t end up with a photo that makes your belly look three times bigger than it really is, and love that it pops out of the photo dimensionally. This is something that requires sensitive eyes and delicate vision! You want to look back at these maternity photos with a loving mood!

Newborn photos are very important because that is the fastest escape stage. From the day they arrive, you have about two weeks to capture the essence of what a newborn has. You can take these pictures yourself. You can point the camera at them, get the angle you want, and shoot. But when you hire a trained and experienced professional, your newborn photos take another level. You’d be amazed at the different ways in which professionals “see” the subject. They are able to capture images that show textures, create feelings and moods…these photos will appeal to the senses, you will actually be able to remember your baby’s smell, you will remember cooing or vivid expressions. It’s amazing to see how a properly exposed, properly composed photo will change the outcome of the image.

Baby photos are very important because of milestones. You don’t calculate a toddler’s age in years because there are huge changes every month. Every milestone is a photo-worthy moment! Baby photography is as important as baby books. In the baby handbook, you record the age at which the child reaches the milestone, but the way they view this stage seems to change every week, if not every day. The first year of a child’s life is full of incredible movements, and with a professional photographer, you can create a visual memory book that will teach your child how to roll over, slide across the floor, crawl, walk for the first time. The look is immortal, they couldn’t get another drop of drool when they were teething, their expressions when they tried a new food for the first time, their first steps, the first time they started thinking about brushing their own teeth, doing “ass pulleys” on the stairs ‘, trying to escape from their crib, the list goes on! ! ! You can create various artistic ways to display these memories. I could make a multi-frame showcase of these milestone moments, or make a milestone album that could be used in place of or with baby books, etc. These moments are priceless, and having a professional photographer can make these moments cherished for a lifetime.

Children’s photos are very exciting because of the element of surprise! You never know what you will get! Every child you photograph is unique and different from the one you photographed the week before and the one you will meet the next week! Whether your child is shy or outgoing, athletic or intellectually engaged, or any combination imaginable, every child wants the same thing: to feel loved and have fun. These things provide every child with a sense of security. When I go to take pictures of my kids, I don’t just shake hands with them and say “action”! I don’t expect them to just perform. Kids want to feel safe until they respond well to a big, intimidating camera. I would lower their level and have a normal conversation with them. I don’t immediately act like they should think I’m their friend, and I don’t act like a clown. Children are very intelligent and have a keen eye for determining whether someone is genuine and sincere with them. I find that kids are flattered when you start joking and being silly right away. You shouldn’t act like a clown unless you dress like a clown! I just start by talking to the kids to find out what moves, excites and motivates them…we can use these answers to improve our photo shoots. If a kid’s hobby is rowing boats in a nearby pond, why would you take him/her to a playground 20 minutes down the street, take their photo on the horizontal bar and pose in front of the fountain? It doesn’t make sense! The purpose behind professional photo shoots is to capture the essence of your child at this particular stage in their life! If your child is interested in music, have them take pictures of learning to play an instrument as art! My photography style isn’t to have kids posing in front of gorgeous backgrounds. I don’t like cookie-cutter cookies, same as the last style. Your child is special. Your child is unique. Your child is yours! Remember the things that make your child unique! Remember this stage of their life! Could that instrument they’re tinkering with now lead to something huge? Can they grow up to be famous musicians? Yes! And, if you have a professional photographer, you’ll have photos that will take you back in time, even if it’s just for a moment!

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