Have you seen some information about the Vegas reborn painting class and wanted to know more?

Well, I decided to arrange a painting class.

As most of us are not blessed with the skills to know how to reborn as we may like.

Also, it is not always possible to attend a doll show.

So first things first,

The where and when?

Well, the when is 7th and 8th November.

As for the where, well it is, as the name suggests in Las Vegas, currently it is to be held in a resort called The Sahara Las Vegas.

We will be getting a room with tables laid out in a U shape so that we can all talk and enjoy the day.

reborn  painting class

Classes will take place between 09.30 and 16.00 each day, allowing time for lunch to be taken between 12 pm and 2 pm.

So, what else may you need to know?

Well, your teacher for this fun class will be the amazing Elisabetta Monari.

She will be taking you step by step through the process of turning a blank vinyl kit into a beautiful baby that you will cherish forever.

You will be using Elisabetta’s very own range of Air Dry paints making this a very special experience.

All the supplies you will need during this class will be supplied for you.

All you need to bring will be yourself, your willingness to learn and have fun and also an outfit to take your baby home in.

And there’s more!

As if that wasn’t enough there is also the chance to win prizes, with each person attending being given a ticket which on the last day will be drawn.

Prizes will vary, but so far there will be a full set of Elisabettas Air Dry paints range to win.

There will also be a new 2022 Ourlifewithreborns calendar to win.

We are also working on more prizes to add to this.

reborn  painting class

For everyone who does not win the full set of paints don’t worry.

You will be able to take any paints you do not use from your starter pack home with you.

And just to add one more thing to this amazing experience on day one, which will be the 7th, you will all be invited to an evening out.

With the first drinks being on us.

Don’t worry if you do not drink alcohol, you can have whichever drink, even if it’s just cola.

You do not have to drink to be able to join in all the fun.

If you decide not to join us for the evening, that is fine as well.

This trip will be all about you having fun, making new friends and learning as you go.

Now comes down to the cost.

How much will this awesome experience cost you?

The full price of class $499, for that you get everything mentioned above.

To pay in full please use this link to Paypal and you will be contacted by one of us shortly after

A Payment plan for the class is available.

The plan is five months of $100 plus a $50 deposit.

To agree to the payment plan and reserve your space use this Paypal link

reborn  painting class

With places limited on this reborn painting class do not miss out on this chance.

Please feel free to contact us for any more information needed at admin@MyCutieGifts.

We hope to see you all there this November.

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