Did you know that getting help and other gifts of heart from others is actually a service?

I am lucky to have the best sister in the world. She has always been by my side, through thick and thin. She has been taking care of me since we were little. I have such deep admiration and love for her. For years, I wondered how to give back to her. I feel guilty and upset about what she did for me.

As my understanding deepened, I realized that she loves giving and I had to learn to receive it gracefully. And, as we progress in life, I have the opportunity to give back to her in other ways. And – she must learn how to gracefully accept my gift of heart to her! We are all still in progress and getting better all the time.

Most people have problems accepting gifts offered to them, whether it’s time, help, money, or other gifts. They feel that no matter what happens, they need to be able to be strong enough to do something for themselves. Maybe they’ve been taught that it’s rude to accept help from others. One of the main reasons we block receiving help is because we feel we shouldn’t be asking for help or accepting help when it’s offered. Many of us simply don’t feel it’s worth it.

This is the energy of giving and receiving.

When we give to someone, we are flowing with loving energy. need to receive this energy. If not, the energy flow is blocked. It goes nowhere. Then the energy gets stuck.

Think a little bit about this. Imagine you have a very independent friend who suddenly falls ill. You offer to help by cooking or running errands for them, or driving them to the doctor. But they reject your offer, telling you that they simply can’t let you pose like that. What would that feel like? It feels like rejection and frustration. You feel drained of energy. And, in fact, you are.

Now imagine them saying, “Oh, thanks! That would be very friendly and helpful!” How does that feel? Pretty good, right? You will actually feel more energy flowing through you as if you were the one who received the gift. That’s because when we emit energy and it is received, it returns to us exponentially.

When you gratefully accept what someone has to offer, you let the energy flow.

Why it’s important to let yourself accept.

Since we are constantly sending vibrations to the universe, it is important to understand what we think and feel. Are we sending a message to the universe what do we want? Are we telling ourselves what we deserve? The universe has always matched us in vibration.

Giving and receiving gifts can be uplifting for both parties. It raises your vibration! When you say “yes” to those who give gifts out of love, you are also saying “yes” to the universe. You are sure you are ready to receive the gifts the universe has in store for you! Stop other people’s gifts from telling the universe you don’t want to receive them. It blocks the flow of your abundance and other good things.

How many times have you rejected or deflected a compliment? Compliments are gifts that others want to give us! Practice saying, “Thank you so much!” Smile when you’re being complimented. You will notice that you both feel uplifted and happy!

We live in a self-affirming universe.

We focus on what we see more reflected back to us. So when we open our hearts to receive, the universe gives us more! We let the universe provide us with what we need in the simplest possible way every moment.

What this flow of energy shows us is that when you give, you receive, and when you receive, you give. This is an energy cycle that must be completed. The essence of energy is movement.

So practice receiving gratefully, practice giving joyfully. Then you are in sync with the flow of cosmic energy. When you are at higher traffic, miracles happen!

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