Tag Archives: August

Baby Ready For The August UK Doll Show

This sweet baby by the talented Cheryl Cutler is ready to head to the August UK Doll Show. Painted lovingly so that her new mummy or daddy is sure to truly love her, we just know that this baby will be part of any collectors forever babies. I am really looking forward to this darling […]

ID&TS 2022 Baby Shower Seating Opening 5th August

The baby shower is one of the ID&TS 2022 best events. It always sells out so fast as it is so much fun. With prizes to win, games to play and fun to be had is it any wonder that everyone wants to be a part of this. The shower is filled with lots of […]

Reborn blog 24th august 2022

I know it has been awhile since I added anything to my reborn blog, so I thought I would share today with you. Today the weather has changed and it is now alot colder. It is time to reach for the long sleeved tops again for the babies and their thicker blankets. I also find […]

Rebirth Blog August 21, 2022

So for today’s blog, I’ve decided to share with you the fact that I’ve been out of the UK for a week to visit family. But here I will take the opportunity to make some videos in the store, write some articles about the store and take pictures. Also, I’m ready for two shipments and […]

Reborn blog 4th August 2022

Today has been a silly sort of day in the nursery. We spent the morning having a mini pyjamas party, which was so much fun. We sang songs, read books and danced around. When it was time for food we all had a big tummy time moment and everyone went on their belly. Then one […]

Reborn blog 3rd August 2022

Yesterday was such a quiet day in the nursery again so there really wasn’t much to blog about. We had rain and thunder and lightening all day again. This made the babies just quiet and needing to be distracted. So in truth there really wasn’t anything to say yesterday. Today we have woken at 07.20 […]

Reborn blog 1st August 2022 .Scared babies

So it has been a couple of days since my last blog. I had a slow day yesterday and didn’t really do too much. It was what I would call a lazy day. The babies helped sort out some of their nursery. Today has been a little more exciting as it has been raining with […]

August giveaway started early.

On our Youtube channels we often do a giveaway. So for Augusts one we have decided to start it early. This will be the last one we do for a little while, at least until we have caught up again with all outstanding prizes. For this giveaway the prize will be for a reborn baby. […]

Our Reborn Life: August 12, 2016

Today was a great day for us and we managed to find more babies who had to stay in the UK. We were able to find six of them. What we’re happy to find again is our Reborn full vinyl baby Kia, it’s a Victoria kit. We found her and many of our clothes. Take […]

Our Reborn Life: August 11, 2026

Today is a long day as we travel from Norway to the UK. We are sad to say goodbye to our children in Norway and we know we will miss them. The journey itself was fine and we arrived safely without any delays. Although we were tired, we would love to find some dolls we […]

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