Tag Archives: times

Comfort During Troubled Times

Collecting dolls, to some people can be seen as strange But to those that know, it is safe to say that they bring peace and comfort to us. This can be in any method that you collect or create. Even artists find peace with the dolls. I know that my own time recently has been […]

Time To Pull Together In Uncertain Times

Everyone around the world must know the same thing, this Corona Virus is going to affect us all in ways we can not even imagine yet. So it is at times like this where as a community we have to pull together. We have to stop trying to hurt each other. Stop the scamming and […]

Exhibitor Set Up Times For ID&TS 2022

One thing any one who is going to be an exhibitor at the ID&TS 2022 is going to need to know is what time can they set up. So I decided to just quickly share it all with you here. So set up time for the show is as follows. “Fridays set up is from […]

Shopping Times For Vendors At Rose 2022

Vendors will be able to shop at Rose 2022. This will bring joy to the vendors who also want to shop. Great that this is being taken into account. Many vendors did not feel that they had enough option to look around the other tables and booths while there this year. So next year there […]

Double reborn box opening: exciting times

Yesterday was such an exciting day for us, we had not one but two new additions to our nursery to open. We had waiting what felt like forever to bring these two homes and we were so happy to finally get them here. So if you have time and want to take a look check […]

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