Following their hugely successful debut at the Rose Doll Show, Realborn Landon and Realborn Ashley are all set to be released by Bountiful Babies.

Bountiful Babies are truly amazing. They have been supplying kits and accessories for reborns for years now, not just that, they are also the event organisers of the Rose Doll Show.

These two new Realborn kits received a lot of love and compliments during the event, which is no wonder really seeing how life like the amazing reborn artists that painted them made them.

Bountiful babies Landon

Bountiful babies have said,

Our very first Ashley prototype is available on eBay now! This gorgeous prototype was reborn by the super talented Marie Gambus:


Ashley is an adorable new Realborn® that was introduced at the 2022 ROSE International Doll Expo.

She was a huge hit at ROSE! She is a dainty little sweetheart, approximately 17 inches long when completed.

She will be released on our website very soon (sometime within the next couple of weeks), so be sure to watch for her!

We also have an incredible Realborn® Landon on eBay now! Landon is a chubby little (or should I say big) guy, approximately 21 inches long when completed.

His prototype was masterfully reborn by Hollmann Hollis “Chick”. Be sure to check out his auction as well:


Both beautiful babies are now featured on our home page:


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