Christmas is a good time, I love it, but for a reborn artist it is a busy time with lots of custom orders to finish.

Christmas custom

This is not always a bad thing for the artists as of course it is good to get the work.

It is however tiring and takes a lot of organising to make sure everything that needs to be done is done.

Christmas custom

Some artists will be kind enough to offer a payment plan to make Christmas babies possible.

I have had a Christmas reborn baby before and it is so much fun.

I ordered mine for my daughter.

The baby arrived about a week before Christmas, making that week a long one having to leave the baby in the box.

So far this has been the only real reborn baby that I have arranged for Christmas, but I would love to again at some point as it really was fun.


So, if you are wanting to get a custom reborn baby for Christmas, make sure you get your orders in as early as you can.

Christmas custom

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