During my time doing my Youtube channel I have done a giveaway several times.

Most of these have gone well and ended successfully.

But there had been a few that had not gone to plan.

This was one of them.


Now the winner of this giveaway has waited a while to get her prize.

I have sent two parcels to her already but as luck would have it neither of them managed to reach her.


I am unsure why this is and can only imagine that they got lost in the post as she told me both times that they were never received.


So I am sending another parcel to her and I am hoping she loves it

Here are a few pictures showing some of the items that I am sending.

I am not showing everything that is being sent as I want some items to be a surprise.


So I am really hoping that she loves this prize.

With this parcel sent now it brings a close to all the giveaways that I had outstanding and allows me to now focus on starting some new ones.


So I am now looking forward to doing a new giveaway for the new year.

I have two already in the works so keep an eye out for new info available here on my site.

Thanks for your support this year.

Happy Christmas.

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